18/19 dec
Can you hear me?
With Joana Brito Silva and Rita Valentim
As part of the artistic creation residency of the Ficha Triple program, the Centro de Arte e Cultura FNSE offers a workshop for young people aged between 13 and 18.
This two-day workshop is intended to offer participants an opportunity to reflect on their identities and biographies, in relation to the environments they inhabit.
We seek that the workshop is a stimulus that leads participants to think about where they are in the present and where they would like to be in the future and that they find a way to express their ambitions, beliefs and concerns in an artistic, creative and free way, feeling heard. and validated, through art.
Different types of theatrical practices will be used, which may include storytelling, improvisation, working with objects and creative writing.
A large part of the workshop will focus on the technique of Verbatim with Headphones, where participants will be invited to anonymously share real life experiences related to ambitions for the future; bullying and sexuality; and relationships with adults, namely their parents.
The testimonies resulting from this activity may, with due consent, be used anonymously in the theater show Efeito Berbereta.
Using theatrical practices in educational and community settings can help build participants' confidence, giving them the opportunity to reflect on the past and present and make more informed and positive decisions for their future.
Both facilitators are trained and experienced in theater processes applied to community and educational contexts. There may also be a psychologist in the room to accompany the process.
No prior theater experience is required, the number of entries is limited and entry is free.
promotional photograph (c) Alípio Padilha
workshop photographs (c) Fabrice Ziegler