Oct 08 /
Oct 08 /
shot/back shot
Joaquim and Luís Iria Baptista are father and son. While the first is fruitful in the public sharing of records of their daily lives, with great emphasis on the town of Castelo de Vide as a theme, from the second we know the discretion, but also the refined look.
In this exhibition we challenged them to work on the same theme - crafts - and to create 10 photographs each.

Joaquim Iria Baptista
Joaquim José Iria Baptista, 55 years old. In the last 7 years, he dedicates much of his free time to photography. In an amateur way, he tries to capture the nature and built heritage of the region. A gardener by profession, born and raised in Alagoa, he has used social media to publicize his work and send his photographs everywhere, but he has also participated in some collective and individual exhibitions. In this work, he chose to step out of his comfort zone and photograph people and their activities.

Luís Iria
Luís Iria, 25 years old, degree in Photography and Visual Culture from IADE. I love photography no matter what your type. I think we have to go through several experiences and despite having gone through some where I could see a little bit of each type of photography, I still conclude that I don't have a specific theme/type of photography. I like to photograph nature as much as I like to photograph in the studio. If you ask me which ones I would like to do, I would probably answer the calmest ones. The ones where you have to get to the ground hours before and wait for the right moment instead of being on a catwalk photographing in a hurry. The adjectives I choose for my style of photography are: comprehensive, artistic, sometimes revolutionary, sometimes melancholy, memorable and captivating.